Thursday 22 November 2018

Autumn Update

2018 Summer Events

Bat Walk - 27th September

We walked from Compton Farm yard through the woods and down to the river using special sonar detectors to listen in on foraging bats. Gareth Harris of the Wiltshire Bat Group talked us through the habits of some of the 18 UK bat species and we were lucky enough to hear six of them, including four passes by a rare Barbastelle! Others flying about were Noctule bats around the trees, Daubenton's dipping for insects on the surface of the river, a single Serotine, and lots of both soprano and common pipistrelles. 

It was agreed that Gareth be invited back to talk about bat corridors.

Hen Harrier Update - 27th September

Flemming Ulf-Hansen gave us a comprehensive introduction to the habits and habitats of hen harriers, including some interesting information about how they move about the landscape, how they rear their young, and how they use aerial food passes during courtship.

We also found about about the plans to introduce young birds to Parsonage Down, and how the team there are preparing for their new residents.

Click here to download the information sheet handed out at the meeting.

Late Summer Wildflower Survey - 5th September

At the beginning of September we visited East Hill Farm to learn more about how to carry out wildflower surveys. We talked about different methods of recording baselines and changes over time, and spent a bit of time brushing up our ID skills.

We also discussed optimum grazing management to encourage wildflower diversity, and looked at the difference in structure and diversity between areas where grazing is restricted to winter, and other areas that may be grazed throughout the year. It was agreed that it would be very useful to know more about the impact of grazing on diversity.

Stone-Curlew Watch - 28th August

A group of us visited Normanton Down, by kind invitation of Rachel Hosier, to see a stone curlew winter roost and find out more about these elusive downland birds.

RSPB officer Rob Blackler showed us how to spot the birds through high powered telescopes, a surprisingly difficult feat as they were so well camouflaged against the rough surface of the fallow plot.

We learnt about the success of the Wessex stone curlew project and got lots of tips on the best way to manage plots, so all in all a very productive evening!

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